Level Three Ambassador Training
Ambassador Level Three Modules are designed to be taken at your own pace and available for enrollment anytime. However, it's important to note that the Meditation4Sobriety module has a prerequisite. To enroll in Meditation4Sobriety, you must first complete the Level One 25-Hour Core Curriculum Certification.
Questions? Contact our teacher liaison TanyaD@Yoga4Sobriety.com
Graduates Earn
The Platinum Pack delivered to you includes:
A framed certificate with the Camel Gold seal
3 Marketing Packs
Coaching session intake form
One-hour one-on-one mentoring session with Gwen R.
Top listing on the teacher's page
Feature in the virtual Camel Magazine
25% off services with Gwen R. and in the Download Boutique
Yoga Instructors
Chakra Sequencing Virtual with Tracey Ulshafer or Sacred Centers Chakra Yoga In-Person with Gwen Rebbeck and Melinda Matzell
Practical Skills - Supporting Students with Anxiety and Depression Gwen R.
Meditation4Sobriety Tanya D. (You must complete Level One 25-Hour Core Curriculum to take Meditation4Sobriety training)
Wellness Leaders
Meditation Teachers, Energy Healers, Counselors, and Group Leaders.
Gwen R.
Founder of Yoga4Sobriety LLC
Gwen has been actively in Twelve Step Recovery since 1991 and brings an understanding of the program, who her students are, and what they need to her classes. Gwen founded Yoga4Sobriety in 2013 after her yoga and recovery journey brought the two worlds together. Her goal is a simple, repetitive approach to reinforce recovery principles and yoga practices to build on existing treatment programs and Twelve Step living.