Hello everyone,
This week we began reading Step 4 and the 5 Precepts. We read up to pg 108 and will begin next week with the 4th precept. We discussed non-harminig (not killing any living being), not stealing or taking what is not ours, and all the ways that can be interpreted, and finally, we ended this week in a discussion about refraining from sexual misconduct or hurting others thru our sexuality.
This brought up a lot of old thinking patterns and unskillful behaviors for me, as I was often using my sexuality to manipulate the situation for drugs or alcohol or simply to gratify my ego. Before recovery, I thought of my sexuality as mine to do with as I pleased. My story involves using sex for financial gain, or at least to survive...I used it like a tool in my addiction to get what I needed.
Now, I've…
Hi All, here's the link to the Polly and Dave P document I mentioned that applies the 12 Traditions to relationships. It's a bit long but lots of good nuggets.