So cool the things that happen when we continue to connect with the HP of our own understanding. I will break this experience down for you as each part relates to what happened this morning.
1. At The Camel Clubhouse we are doing a study of the book The Tibetan Art of Positive Thinking. The first exercise I have been working on is the removing of obstacles. I personally chose to focus on my rebellion. I have a tendency to rebel against three things that are good for me; working out, eating well, and proper sleep! UGH!!! Three VERY important parts of living a healthy balanced life. One day at a time I work to bring balance to these areas and it always seems to be a struggle. I know I am not alone in this one or there would not be so many programs out there that offer help.
2. During my week long training of The Psychology of the Chakras one of the great things that has stayed with me is taking that inner part of you by the hand, for me rebellion, and asking it what it needs. All week long I have said, I have no idea what my inner rebellion needs? I was stumped.
3. Towards the end of my week we did an exercise inviting in our HP and asking questions while in that place. My question for my HP was "how do I get fear out of my body." Clear as day the words appeared in front of me "LET ME IN." This was amazing, not new information, but a new way to take it in. STEP THREE, trust and let go. Stop taking my will back. The constant dance of letting go and taking it back when fear creeps in. My partner guided me into how this can happen and it came out to set my day with my spiritual practice which has been lacking as of late. I wanted to create the space on my back porch to set the tone for my day.
4. This morning I grabbed a coffee table from the garage and set it up on my porch. No coincidence that yesterday I did a mini-workshop on setting up an altar including 5 elements and the 5 senses. So I set up my altar, started my timer, and set the intention to LET MY HP IN and continue to work on rebellion.

As I sat in front of my altar hearing the cicadas I closed my eyes and took my little rebellion by the hand. We sat on a bench and I asked her, "what do you need?" She fumbled and got her words together and said "I want to play." Oh how this smacked me in the face! I need to play!
I love to do what I do. It is work but work I love it so I often don't realize I need to just do something simple and fun that is not related to all I am doing.
The process and experience of connecting with my Higher Power is so fun and amazing to me. When I get out of my own way, I hear.
Third Step Prayer
God, I offer myself to Thee To build with me & to do with me as Thou wilt.
Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do Thy will.
Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of Thy Power, Thy love & Thy way of life.
May I do Thy will always.